Teen Friends

Teen Friends are the driving force of Friendship Circle. Teens without disabilities are encouraged to join our circle and volunteer their time getting to know a friend with a disability and attend our events.

Teen life is full of possibility and so many new experiences, but can often be a challenging time as well. Friendship Circle offers the power of meaningful friendship without judgement that empowers self confidence, being needed and giving to others. Not surprisingly, our Teen Friends often think they are joining Friendship Circle to help someone else, while all the while, they benefit tremendously as well. 

Teen Friends will have the opportunity to develop interpersonal skills, connect with the disability community, form life-long friendships and join leadership roles as advocates.  All it takes is a willingness to be a caring friend.

FCVA empowers these teens with the message that being a friend is about mutual friendship where they receive equally rewarding and transformative relationships, creating lifelong connections across communities.

Opportunities to get involved:

  • Volunteer at Monthly Birthday Circles:
    • Hang out and have fun at our monthly events throughout the RVA area! You will be paired with a child with a disability to jump, run, go horseback riding, or just hang out in the sensory quiet room.
  • Join our Friends@Home program:
    • Two Teen Friends are paired together with a friend with a disability for one hour per week throughout the school year in the child’s home. Commit an hour a week with a friend that works for your schedule. 
  • Join our Inclusive Teen Leadership Board to gain leadership and advocacy skills and make a difference!

Sign Up To Volunteer

We are always happy to fill out your school’s community service hour forms and write recommendation letters for all of our active teens in Friendship Circle.