Giving Levels

$36 – Giving Circle
Become a member of our Monthly Giving Circle

$180 – Mom’s Night Out
Helps cover the cost of a mom’s night out event where moms of kids with disabilities come out to enjoy a few hours to themselves to recharge and connect with each other with a spa or gourmet food night. Virtual paint nights too!

$360 – Friends@Home Friendship for One Year
This core program pairs 2 teens from the community together with a child with disabilities for weekly 1 hour home visits (in person or virtual) during the school year where real and lasting friendships blossom.

$500 – Sponsor Inclusive Teen Leadership Board
The Friendship Circle Inclusive Teen Leadership Board currently has 15 teens with and without disabilities from different high schools in the community including: Collegiate, Deep Run Hermitage High, New Community School, Patrick Henry, Sharai Torah of Richmond and St. Gertrude. Leadership Board Members lead activities at events, create and develop an Ambassador project each year, and get involved in advocacy and fundraising.

$650 – Birthday Circle Event Sponsorship
Children with disabilities are often not invited to birthday parties and often do not have friends to invite to their own birthday celebration. Birthday Circle brings all our friends together every month to celebrate birthdays in that month with friends, food and gifts! Birthday Circles are celebrated throughout the RVA area and have included: trampoline parks, adaptive horseback riding farms, the SPCA, Children’s Museum and more!

$1,800 – Annual Sponsor

$5,000 -Disability Inclusion Day at the Diamond Sponsorship
Be a premier partner of the first annual Inclusion Day at the Diamond so people with disabilities and mental health conditions can attend and be supported with a quiet space, sign language interpreters and more! Premier partner sponsorship includes:
- Company logo on 10,000 Inclusion Day at the Diamond tickets disseminated throughout the RVA community and to EVERY disability related organization in the Greater Richmond area
- 150 Inclusion Day Diamond Tickets – General Admission seating (subject to availability, more can be requested as needed)
- Logo on video board and name announcement at the Diamond
- Signage at approximately 45 local fas mart© stores 1 month prior to event
- Expo table at the event with non-food related giveaways
- First Pitch Opportunity
- Company logo on promotional materials, social media outlets, and Friendship Circle website for 3 months leading up to event